José Olivarez - "Mexican Heaven"
#PoetsForPuertoRico - Benefit reading series for continued hurricane relief for the people of Puerto Rico
Please consider donating to #PoetsForPuertoRico partners:
Comedores Sociales de Puerto Rico - https://www.cdpecpr.org
Fondo de Resiliencia - https://www.fondoderesilienciapuertorico.org
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Olivia Gatwood - "When I Say That We Are All Teen Girls"
Filmed in Brooklyn NY
Dagmawe Berhanu - "Death in 4 Sonnets" (after Sam Sax)
Filmed at the BABEL Legacy showcase. BABEL is the student-run poetry collective based at Temple University in Philadelphia PA.
Kearmonie - Harriet Tubman (responds to talk of being featured on the $20 bill)"
Filmed at Union Square Slam in NYC
Noel Quiñones - "Mediations On The Children's Room At John J. Fox Funeral Home"
Filmed at Project X in Bronx NY
Oompa - 2017 LTABMA Finals Feature Set
Filmed at the 2017 Louder Than A Bomb: Massachusetts Finals in Boston MA
Diamond Mason - “Untitled"
Filmed at IWPS '17 in Spokane WA. The Individual World Poetry Slam is sponsored annually by Poetry Slam Inc
Joel François - "Liars"
Filmed at the 2017 National Poetry Slam Prelims at the Mercury Cafe in Denver CO
Zeke Russell - "This Space Intentionally Left Blank"
Filmed at IWPS '17 in Spokane WA. The Individual World Poetry Slam is sponsored annually by Poetry Slam Inc
Londzo Drury - "Joy"
Filmed at the WOWPS '17 Queer Open Mic in Dallas TX. The Women of the World Poetry Slam is an event sponsored by Poetry Slam Inc.
Britteney Black Rose Kapri - "The Next Four Children All Have Daughters"
Filmed at Rustbelt '15 in Rockford IL
Ashley Davis - "Lessons In Healing"
Filmed at the 2016 National Poetry Slam (NPS '16), a Poetry Slam Inc event
Marshall Gillson - "Self Portraits In Which Depression Is An Old Friend"
Filmed at The House Slam in Boston MA
Kaleigh O'Keefe - "I Finally Changed The Lightbulbs In My Bedroom Today"
Filmed at the 2016 VOX POP Poetry Slam Tournament hosted by Slam Free or Die in Manchester NH
Hakeem Furious - "Hoteps and Hennessy"
Filmed at the iWPS '16 African-American open mic in Flagstaff AZ. The Individual World Poetry Slam is an event sponsored by Poetry Slam Inc.
Hakeem Furious (also known as Andre Marteen), is a rocky mountain native. relocated in Florida.
He graduated from Douglas Anderson School of the Arts...
Janae Johnson - "Black Girl Magic"
Filmed at Rustbelt '15 in Rockford IL
Jamal Parker - "The Rod"
Filmed at the 2016 BABEL Grand Slam Finals in Philadelphia PA
Allison Truj - "Watching HGTV Drunk And Alone At My Parents' House"
Filmed at the 2017 VOX POP Poetry Slam hosted by Slam Free or Die in Manchester NH
Ashley August - "The Game"
Filmed at the WOWPS '16 Last Chance Slam in Brooklyn NY
Sam Mercer - "Rejected By BuzzFeed"
Filmed at the iWPS '16 Prelims in Flagstaff AZ. The Individual World Poetry Slam is an event sponsored by Poetry Slam Inc.
Daniel - "Stay"
Filmed at the Youth Open Mic at WOWPS '17 in Dallas TX. The Women of the World Poetry Slam is an event sponsored by Poetry Slam Inc.
Elizabeth Acevedo - "Hair"
Filmed at the 2014 Beltway Slam Finals in Washington DC
Patrick Roche - "Hocus Pocus"
Filmed at Union Square Slam in NYC
G Yamazawa - "The Bridge"
Filmed at El Taller Latino Americano in NYC
For more info, visit: http://www.tallerlatino.org